Fluid: inline notation with a value

What I needed was the inline notation for f:format.currency. Usually it looks like this: <f:format.currency currencySign=”€” decimalSeparator=”,” thousandsSeparator=”.” prependCurrency=”false” decimals=”2″>{somevar}</f:format.currency> I needed this in an attribute and therefore needed the inline notation. The solution: {somevar -> f:format.currency(currencySign:’€’,decimalSeparator:’,’,thousandsSeparator:’.’,prependCurrency:’false’, decimals:2)} A link […]

Hide extbase model in list view

To hide a certain extbase model in the list view (because, in this case, it is edited and created within another model), the following can be added to TSConfig: [usergroup= 1] mod.web_list.table.tx_extname_domain_model_modelname.hideTable = 1 [GLOBAL] If its supposed to be […]

Typo3: delete cache in extbase controller

The typo3 cache can be deleted in an extbase controller the following way: use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager; class Something { public function foo(){ $objectManager = new ObjectManager(); $clearCacheService = $objectManager->get(‘TYPO3\\CMS\\Install\\Service\\ClearCacheService’); $clearCacheService->clearAll(); } } I didn’t find out yet how to delete just […]

Magento: problem with addFieldToFilter

After updating magento with some patches, an extension from a third party suddenly created problems. When calling the page, magento reported the following error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘CAST(CONCAT(year, “-“, month, “-01”) AS DATE)’ in ‘where […]